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End of the Media 2020 International Conference

The Media 2020 Conference on „Bringing Media to the Future” ended in the Romanian capital Bucharest on Wednesday.



Organised by the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) and the Romanian public radio (Romanian Broadcasting Corporation – SRR), the Media 2020 Conference on „Bringing Media to the Future” ended in the Romanian capital Bucharest on Wednesday. ABU and SRR teamed up for the first time in their effort to address changes currently under way in media industry. SRR succeeded in establishing relations with ABU, one of the major media institutions in Asia and the Pacific region with audiences of more than 4 billion people. ABU Secretary General Dr. Javad Mottaghi praised the organisers for the friendly atmosphere. „The contents of the programmes remain the real „king”, and this is our most significant message to the public. Technology is only the platform. But the message and contents remain most relevant for the audience”, Mr. Mottaghi said.
„The substance of the conference was most special. I wish to thank Radio Romania for achieving something new and for raising a bridge between Europe and Asia”, BBC’s Graham Ellis pointed out. SRR President Director General Ovidiu Miculescu told reporters „I believe it was a success, I believe that Romania, Bucharest and Radio Romania proved they were able to generate major things. We proved that we were reliable partners, and the Radio Romania door remained open to partnerships, and many more other projects of co-operation. We share common values as I believe the public mission is similar everywhere in the world, and we need to go forward together”.







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